Wednesday, June 27, 2012

March 18, 2012; 3 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant
Due Date: November 26, 2012

First Ultrasound Picture: April 5, 2012

Mommy's First Bump Picture: 4 Weeks Pregnant
Your Brother "Hugging" the Baby

Welcome to the World, Baby Wheeler!

Mommy is so sorry that it took so long for me to start a blog for you. Between finishing work at Orchard Place and trying to take care of your big brother, I've been very busy! But today, I felt you move from the outside for the very first time! And I realized that I can't delay this blog any longer.

Daddy and Beau are currently asleep on the coach, so I can't write for long. I just wanted to get a start on the blog for Baby Wheeler #2. When Mommy has more time, I will come back and write a longer blog post about the first 18 weeks of the pregnancy. For now baby Wheeler, I just want to say that we love you. You are so wanted. And Daddy, Beau, and I can't wait to meet you in November.



Felt You Move from the Outside for the First Time
June 27, 2012
18 weeks 2 days

1 comment:

  1. "Mommy, do I have a name yet? Auntie Alisha says I do but you haven't made a blog about it. Also, will I be as cute, or even cuter, then my older broseph Beau? I love you mama and papa!"

    That is what I am sensing from your unborn child at this moment.
