Tuesday, June 1, 2010

27 Weeks: Time

The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

27 Weeks and 5 Days

At Aaron's confirmation party, we got to spend some time with the neighbor's 4 month old baby boy, Blake. How does Ty look?

I have a feeling that I can expect to see this confused, disconcerted look on Ty's face many, many times in the upcoming months....

Uncle Anthony with baby Blake. Wow, Anthony just can not wait for Beau to arrive...

The assembled crib! With the beloved bedding set!

After we put together the crib and recliner, I kinda wanted to see all of our big purchases so far (minus the rest of the nursery furniture) together in one place. Looking at this picture kinda makes me feel all warm inside!! ( :

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (16)

So, Ty and I weren't exactly chomping at the bit to see this movie. However, I had 2 free movie tickets from work, so we thought "What the heck!" To my surprise, I did not fall asleep during the movie! Despite my drowsiness, lack of interest in the movie, and the film's two hour length, the movie was action-packed enough that Ty's shoulder did not get covered in drool this time around! (Unlike while watching IronMan II last week). It was just one of your typical summer blockbuster films. Nothing special but entertaining enough. Ty and I did enjoy a final nice night out on the town in Omaha. We ate pizza at La Casa, said goodbye to one of Ty's coworkers, and saw a movie. Overall, it was a very relaxing, enjoyable end to Ty's residence in the city of Omaha. (Twin Creek Cinema, Friday, 05/28/10)

Another big week during the pregnancy: Ty and I met our new ob-gyn and toured the hospital where Beau will be born. The new OB and her practice seemed great! Very personable, sweet, accomodating, and professional. And the nurse on our hospital tour spoke highly of their practice, as well. The tour of Mercy was amazing. The nurse was incredibly thorough and professional, providing lots of information and clearly answering all of our questions (plus some!). The rooms are beautiful, with great amenities. Each room has a jacuzzi tub that I am excited to use for pain relief during the early stages of labor (prior to the epidural of course!). And seeing the nursery was really incredible, too. To imagine seeing baby Beau in there....

Overall, Ty and I feel greatly relieved to have finalized the transition to a new doctor and birthing center. But, wow, touring the hospital for me was a serious reality check. While Ty was all chipper and excited following the tour, I felt surprisingly sober and...well, kinda scared! Seeing the room where Beau will be born and the nursery where he will sleep... it just made everything seem very realistic, tangible and imminent! As I write this blog post, I still get nervous thinking about the tour! I don't know that I'm quite ready for Mr. William Beau to arrive yet!

I'm eagerly anticipating his arrival, but I'd be lying if I said that I feel ready for him! I'm really glad that we have 12 weeks left before Beau joins our family. First, I'm really enjoying the pregnancy. It's so amazing feeling him move around. Second, I feel like I still have a lot of preparation to do! I feel like there are so many books I need to read before then! And third.....Well, I haven't quite mentally prepared myself for labor and delivery yet.... Gulp! I suppose that's why pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, to give moms and dads over nine months to prepare.... But suddenly, I'm starting to wonder... where did those first six months go????

Finally, Ty officially moved over to Osceola this week... He is now a resident of (and employee of) the city of Osceola, Iowa. Before Ty left, he wondered whether putting together some of the baby furniture would help keep me entertained during his absence. So, he helped me (OK, let's be honest: I helped him) put together our crib and glider. Again, putting together the crib made the future seem very tangible again... (By the way, I was super pleased with how the bedding looked on the crib.) Just seeing everything together made me very anxious to set up Beau's nursery in our house in Osceola.

During the coming week, I have a doctor's appointment, my last birthing class, and my official work babyshower. Wow, Baby Beau really is coming, isn't he?

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