Thursday, August 15, 2013

Just posting these on the Internet, so that in case something happens to my computer, I won't loose them forever ( :

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Precious Beau,

One week from today, my little baby will turn 1 year old. And, suddenly, you won't be so little anymore. In one short year's time, you developed from not even holding up your own head to walking and blowing kisses. My precious Beau, Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We call you "the Precious" as another nod to the Lord of the Rings. I wonder, when you read this letter years and years from now, whether we still call you "The Baggins" or not...

Your daddy and I were so eager to welcome you into the world, William Beau. From the day that we learned that I was pregnant, we so eagerly anticipated your arrival. Of course, you didn't arrive quite as we expected. Do you know what your naughty daddy used to call you? Retard Breech Baby. I know, not a very nice name at all! But indeed, you were in the breech position, and that's why you entered the world by caesarean.

I remember bringing you home from the hospital, to our small rental home in Osceola... You looked so small in the crib! Like a fish out of water, you hated that crib! And the bassinet... The only place that my precious Beau wanted to sleep was with his mommy and daddy. 12 months later, you still sleep with Daddy and I. Honestly, I would have it no other way. I have loved and cherished our co-sleeping arrangement. What can be more nurturing for a baby then falling asleep nursing, cuddled up beside his Mommy's warm body, listening to her heartbeat? Daddy and I both love to watch you sleep. When I watch you sleep, your sweet innocence simply radiates from every pore.

This first year was filled with so many amazing memories, many of them involving the entire Wheeler and Ketcham families. I remember your Baptism, carefully watching Grandpa Jay pour the water over your head. Grandpa Jay is so proud of you. Recently, you've started watching him during church. You little head pops up, as you listen to his voice, and you smile... I've caught Grandpa beaming in your direction many times. Today, you tried to grab the communion wine trays. Grandpa chuckled and his eyes twinkled, doing his best Santa Claus imitation.

Over the past years, I've discovered that the connection between grandparents and grandbabies is so profound. Your grandmothers absolutely adore you. As grandparents, your grandmothers appear to be re-experiencing moments from when your father and I were children.  Grandma Carol says that watching you is like déjà vu. You and Daddy looked so much alike as babies! When you eventually read this letter, I wonder if you will still look like your daddy? You definitely have his expressive eyebrow movements. Recently, we've decided that your smile looks more like mine. You furrow your eyebrows, lift your cheeks very high, and squint.

Your smile brings me such joy, Beau! You communicate so much with your smile! When you smile at me, you just radiate adoration and such pure, innocent joy and love. I feel so blessed and privileged to have received every one of your broad little grins!

Today, you and I spent such a lovely afternoon together. The weather was gorgeous: partly sunny, not too warm, with a gentle breeze. You splashed in the baby pool, while I read a book in the shade. It was so relaxing. You were so content to play independently, vigorously splashing and trying to climb up the little slide that I had placed in the water. My book mentioned the strength of love by a mother for her child, and I actually got teary...watching you splash in the water and smile up at me. I love you so much, my Bilbo Baggins.

Well, Beau, my plan is to write you a birthday letter every year. I'm not sure when I intend to give you these letters... Right now, I think that I will give you the first letter when your first child celebrates his or her first birthday. Because then, you'll know what I am talking about... You'll be well familiar with the  unconditional love and adoration that a parent feels for its child. You'll be able to fully appreciate how greatly your mother loves you. Please remember that, Beau. I'm sure that, over the years, I haven't parented you perfectly. For that I am sorry. But always remember, William Beau: I love you.  I love you so, so, much, and I cannot even begin to tell you what joy you have brought to my life.

Love Always,
P. S. This picture is from our lovely afternoon today. See what I mean about your smile? Beautiful!

Random Facts and Memories about Beau's First Year of Life
Favorite TV Entertainment:
                Sesame Street

Favorite Songs:
                The Office Theme Song
                Sesame Street - Elmo's Song
                Patty Cake, Itsy Bitsy Spider,

Favorite Comedian:

- You love the corner of our sectional couch: It is your personal trampoline! You coyly stand in the corner, while I attach you, tickling and blowing bubbles. You screech like a hoot owl, fall down, and quickly come back for you.
- You love Sesame Street. When we need to keep you occupied while we do something, we put you in your exersaucer in front of Sesame Street... It won't win Daddy and I any parents-of-the-year awards, but you LOVE it.
- You think Mom is the most hilarious comedian of all time! Seriously, all I have do is make a funny face or sound, and you crack up!
- Favorite Toys: a musical frog, a rubber ducky, your books (You love to take your books off the shelves and then rummage through then- oh, and you also like to do the same to our DVD collection!)
- You've recently discovered how to open the toilet lid. Lifting the lid like the hood of a car, you excitedly splash in the toilet water.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Eve, Bilbo Baggins! After 24 minutes of wrestling around in bed, you are finally asleep upstairs. Tomorrow you turn 2!

Random Facts and Memories about Beau's Second Year of Life
Favorite TV Entertainment
                Sesame Street Clips
                Barney videos
Favorite Musical Group
                Celtic Thunder!!!
Favorite Toys
                Train Set that Grandpa Ketcham bought you for your 2nd Birthday
                Cozy Coupe
                Elmo and Cookie Monster Stuffed Animals
Favorite Food
                Mandarin Oranges

August 15, 2013

Happy Third Birthday, Bilbo Baggins!

As I write, you are taking your afternoon nap. It's that magical time when both you and your brother are asleep, and Mommy takes one looong, deep breath of relief ( ; You've been such a good boy today, Beau! I would like to thank you for the reprieve from your behaviors yesterday. As I told your Aunt Emily, I am pretty certain that you were trying to fit in every last "Terrible Two" tantrum possible, prior to "officially" turning 3 in the evening.

Beau, it has been a wild year. You have grown in SO many ways. Watching you become a big brother has been SO amazing! You love Lincoln so much, and he just ADORES you. Don't get me wrong: You two ALREADY fight. A current example: You'll be watching Curious George on the Ipad, and Lincoln will use his new crawling skills to chase you down, trying to touch it, too. You'll then screech like a monkey and sprint away... only to have Lincoln dutifully chase you to the next place ( : Do you remember that we currently call Lincoln "Tito La Tortuga"... He just LOVES to dutifully, persistently follow you around.

Watching you interact with our family CONTINUES to be one of my favorite parts about being your mother. Your grandparents continue to adore you. Honestly, it's a little sick. Both grandmas think you are the most amazing, wonderful, smart, well behaved little boy they have never met. Boy, you've tricked them! ( ; Both grandpas adore you, too. You are always SO SO excited to play trains with Grandpa Ketcham, "Train Grandpa". And you and Grandpa Jay just have a casual, easy relationship. He lets you eat all the Pringles you watch, watch Celtic Thunder over and over again, and go on long walks together. Your grandpa thinks you are a pretty funny guy ( ;

Oh, and you became potty-trained this year. Woohoo!! Once you learned how to pee-on-demand, the process was pretty easy. I remember one night, you jumped up from playing to trains to run to the bathroom.  And from that night on, you consistently went in the potty. Now, don't get me wrong. You went through a phase where you pooped and peed wherever your heart desired! You would literally feel the need to go to the bathroom, pull off your pants, and just let loose! You had a favorite spot to pee, behind the couch, in front of the window. I would just suddenly hear the sound of pee splashing on the carpet! You also peed on top of my Hope Chest twice(what were you trying to tell me with THAT, huh, William Beau?) Yes, you've pooped and peed about everywhere in the house. Grandpa Jay thinks that you consider that a source of pride ( ; You still wear a diaper for naps and nighttime, but I am SO PROUD of how quickly you learned to use the bathroom.
Well, I suppose we should talk about this, too: your talking (rather, lack thereof). All year, you've been seeing a speech language therapist from AEA: Nancy. She is very sweet. You really weren't making any progress. In February, we started a sign language class, once a week for an hour. And THAT, my William Beau, is when things started to change. You took to sign language like a fish to water. In the first 4 months, you had learned over 100 signs. It's like I had FINALLY given you the tool that you needed to let your voice be heard. Your tantrums decreased. My frustration decreased. It was wonderful. Grandma Carol said she thought you seemed happier and more outgoing. I was NEVER more proud of you, darling ( :

I remember one of the first times when you REALLY used your signs without prompting. We were having a rough morning (aka, you were driving me CRAZY). I was sitting on the couch with Lincoln, tearing up. You came over to me, signed "sad", and gave me a hug. I could have BURST with joy ( : Another fun sign language memory: One morning, you came downstairs, pantless and holding your morning diaper in your hand. You looked at me, grinned broadly, signed "poop" and "dirty". Sure enough, Mommy had some fun poop nuggets awaiting her on the stairs ( :

In April, we started private speech therapy with Miss Jen. We see her twice a week, for a half hour. You LOVE Miss Jen. Whenever I ask if you want to see Miss Jen, you always give a big smile and nod yes.  You've made some great strides in therapy! Actually, this week has been HUGE! You said purple! PURPLE (well, puh pl)! FOUR times on Monday! And yesterday, on your 3rd Birthday, you said "more" for the very first time. Oh, and for the record, the first "more" came in a request for more Salt and Vinegar Pringles while shopping at Wal-Mart. Did I mention that you like chips? ( ;

The whole apraxia thing sucks. It just sucks. Dad and I are still working to come to terms with it. Nancy first casually mentioned apraxia last November (you were 27 months). Then she mentioned it again in January then February... well, Mommy finally overcame her denial, educated herself, started looking for private pay therapy, and found our sign language class. I will never give up fighting for you, Beau. I promise, I vow, I pledge, that I will do EVERYTHING in my power to help you find your voice. You have my word. I wish I could time travel to whenever you are reading this letter someday. I would give anything to hear your voice, to hear you tell me that everything's gonna be OK, to keep fighting, because that beautiful voice is indeed inside just waiting to come out. But I don't need to time travel to know that you will talk someday, because I have hope. I have hope. And I have faith.

Well, I should probably close this letter. Lincoln is awake from his nap now. You are still snoozing. (Thankfully, after a couple of tough nights getting to bed, you really need to catch up on sleep.) I love you so much, William Beau. You know, as I reflect on the past year, I realize that apraxia has only made the year more special. I think that I cherish and appreciate your every accomplishment even MORE, because I know how much harder you have to work for it. My favorite smile right now? How you smile when I praise you for talking. Like, when you said "more", I just squealed in delight, hugging you so tight. Then you giggled and did this little grin that says "Geeze, Mom, it's not a big deal. I'm this awesome all the time."  I know, son... I know.

(This Picture is From our Immediate Family Birthday Party on Your Actual Birthday.)

Random Facts and Memories about Beau's Third Year of Life
Favorite TV Entertainment
                Curious George
                Toy Story
                Super Why
Favorite Musical Group
                Signing Time?
Favorite Toys
                Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains! Yes, STILL!
                Toy Story Figurines: Oh, you were SO SO SO excited when Mommy gave those to you as an early birthday present. Actually, you discovered them in the back of the car one day after speech....    and I just didn't have the energy to say no ( :
Favorite Food
                Peanut Butter Toast (You eat this at LEAST once a day)
                Chips (whenever you can get your hands on them!)
                Ice Cream (usually, courtesy of the grandmothers)
Big Events
                Went to the ER, because we thought you swallowed a battery. The X-ray showed you didn't
                Lincoln was Born
                Went to Your First Movie! Despicable Me 2! You did SO good! You sat there TRANSFIXED!            Popcorn in your lap, pop in the holder.... You didn't even move for the first hour. Then you ran           out of popcorn. We got more, and you were good to go ( :
Best Friend
Random Funny Memories
                After Lincoln was born, trying to nurse your stuffed animals on your belly button.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Baby Giggles

I am gonna try to update better, so here it goes.

February 8, 2013: Lincoln truly laughed for the first time!

I was headed to a cloth diaper garage sale (yes, that is Mommy's new strange obsession), and I was kissing you goodbye. I started kissing your neck, Lincoln, and you just let out the most adorable little chuckle. I kept kissing you and laughing... and you just kept giggling! It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. It seriously made my day. I'm smiling ear-to-ear just thinking about it now! I could barely stand to leave you then (and that's saying something since your momma LOVES to have time to herself).

Beau, week 3 of potty-training is going well. Thank you for saving the biggest poop of your life for when Daddy was watching you. At least you got half of it in your potty! ( : Beau, you keep singing more and more this week. It's absolutely adorable. Your favorite songs to sing are "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes", and "If You're Happy and You Know It". Of course, Beau, your singing doesn't involve actual words yet. Just you going through the motions, making a pitchy sound, and saying "nana" or ah. But, hey, that's still progress, buddy!

Oh, and Beau, you were very well behaved in church today. An early Lenten miracle! When Grandpa raised his arms to give the benediction, you raised your arms, too. Grandpa grinned so big.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

March 18, 2012; 3 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant
Due Date: November 26, 2012

First Ultrasound Picture: April 5, 2012

Mommy's First Bump Picture: 4 Weeks Pregnant
Your Brother "Hugging" the Baby

Welcome to the World, Baby Wheeler!

Mommy is so sorry that it took so long for me to start a blog for you. Between finishing work at Orchard Place and trying to take care of your big brother, I've been very busy! But today, I felt you move from the outside for the very first time! And I realized that I can't delay this blog any longer.

Daddy and Beau are currently asleep on the coach, so I can't write for long. I just wanted to get a start on the blog for Baby Wheeler #2. When Mommy has more time, I will come back and write a longer blog post about the first 18 weeks of the pregnancy. For now baby Wheeler, I just want to say that we love you. You are so wanted. And Daddy, Beau, and I can't wait to meet you in November.



Felt You Move from the Outside for the First Time
June 27, 2012
18 weeks 2 days

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 (January 2, 1011)

Beau being fussy in his Daddy's arms. Teething, perhaps?

Day 1 (Jan 1)

Day 1 (January 1, 2011)

Beau playing in his jumperoo. Happy New Year!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 33 - 36: Settling In

Despicable Me

Toy Story 3

Dinner for Schmucks

35 Weeks 6 Days: Nana Ketcham's 48th Birthday!

First Blog Picture of Beau's Nursery: 36 Weeks 5 Days

Beau's changing table. These pictures were taken our last "official" date night before Beau's arrival... The day we saw Dinner for Schmucks in Des Moines.

A final view of Beau's nursery.

I'm so sorry, Beau. Your mother is totally slacking at creating "memories" for you via her blog posts! I fell so far behind again, that I started avoiding the idea of catching up like the plague! Well, better late than never, right? I will do my rest to remember and recount the important details from the last 3 weeks... But first.... I DID manage to watch 3 movies over the past 4 weeks! I will give you a quick overview!

Week 33: Despicable Me (18)

So, apparently Ty and I were unconsciously attempting to prepare ourselves for life with a child. Why? Because we saw 2 kid movies in a row during Weeks 33 and 34. And I swore that this "movie a week" project would only involve adult films! ( ; Anyway, Despicable Me was a animated flick starring Steve Carrell from our favorite TV show: The Office. The movie was actually quite cute! Hopefully children around the globe will now be able to add the word "despicable" to their vocabularies! ( ; Ty and I enjoyed the movie greatly, and we look forward to watching it with Beau someday. (Saturday, July 10th, Jordan Creek Mall)

Week 34: Toy Story 3 (19)

Again, kid movies are really not my typical choice for date nights. However, Toy Story 3 was playing in Osceola, it got great reviews, and Ty wanted to see it... Therefore, I sucked it up and tagged along to a matinee showing. Basically, Andy goes away to college, and the toys are accidentally donated to a daycare filled with mean, creepy toys and crazy, rough little children. Again, they go on great adventures trying to escape, etc, etc. Again, the movie was OK. Cute moments and all.... but Leonard Dicaprio in Inception would have been SO much better to look at! ( ; Cute kid movie, just not for me! (Saturday, July 17th, Osceola's Lyric Theatre).

Week 36: Dinner for Schmucks (20)

So apparently Steve Carrell is giving Robert Pattinson a run for his money... We've now seen 3 movies from each actor... And Dinner for Schmucks was a great addition to our "movie a week" adventure! Basically, the main character needs to find an "idiot" to bring to a big company supper in order to impress his boss and snag a big promotion at work. Steve Carrell is that idiot. And, boy, does Steve Carrell know how to play a "schmuck". The character is both endearing and clueless. Totally lovable and redeemable! His physical humor is so enjoyable to watch, and his little one-liners can be so funny and memorable. Definitely recommend the movie to others...

Oh, and Ty and I kinda considered this night our final "official" date night before Beau arrives. We ate at Macaroni Grill then watched the movie at Jordan Creek. Interesting side note: I actually finished my entire meal at Macaroni Grill (chicken spinach cannelloni) and I even made room for desert! (Friday, July 30th, Jordan Creek)

Pregnancy Wise:

Thankfully, Weeks 33 to 36 have been pretty quiet in terms of the pregnancy. Everything has appeared normal at my doctor's appointments. Baby's heart sounds great; his size looks right on target. My weight gain is normal; my labs are coming back normal. I haven't even struggled with any swelling yet!

At my 36 week appointment, I had my first internal exam... Ooh, I was rather nervous about that.... However, it wasn't that bad! Awkward? Yes. Uncomfortable? Definitely. But, nothing to get all worked up about! And the exciting part? I am almost 1 cm dilated! The doctor said that I am still "thick and high" (Translation: not effaced at all & the baby's head has not yet dropped into position). However, progress is progress, right? I didn't expect to show any signs of progressing forward this early in the game. So... Ty and I are pretty pumped! Finally, I also had my Group B Strep test, but I won't learn those results until next week.

I'm definitely continuing to feel more and more "heavy with child". Sleep continues to get more difficult... mostly due to my discomfort, constant bathroom trips, and Ty hogging the bed! ( ;

Ty and I have started to settle into a routine here in Osceola. I send most of my days sleeping in, watching junk TV, cleaning, messing around on the Internet, waiting for Ty to get home from work, eating supper together, going on walks, watching The Office, then hitting the sack! Ty and I have really tried to stick to taking nightly walks. That's gotta help with keeping me healthy and making good progress with labor and delivery, right? Well, either way, we really enjoy our walks around Osceola. The walks always remind me of why we moved to a small town in the first place.

Speaking of small towns, Beau and I spent most of Week 35 at Grandma and Grandpa Ketchams house! We spent lots of time grilling out and watching the "explosion of color" on the back patio. We got to watch Uncle Aaron in a children's theatre play, listen to Andrew and Jimmy play at the library, and we even did water aerobics with Grandma Susan! It was a really fun couple of days... Poor Grandma Susan cried when we drove away. As she (probably correctly) pointed out, it was the last time she would see Beau and I before he was an "outside baby". Kinda weird, huh?

Oh, and during Week 35, Beau got to meet all the old high-school gang! Sara & Scott, Alisha & Justin, Ann & Egon, Jessica & Josh, Robbi & Kevin, and Cassie.... we all met up in Des Moines. Went shopping at Jordan Creek, went swimming at the hotel, went out to eat, and had a lovely little baby shower for Beau! Played some games... apparently men are quite good at guessing a pregnant woman's waist size! Ty and Egon almost won, but Robbi did eventually take home the prize!

The whole day was just a really great chance to catch up with everyone (Even if slacker auntie Hailee was too busy getting stung by water moccasins to attend!) As Ann aptly stated, it's pretty amazing that we are all finally old enough to have legitimate, planned, highly-wanted and anticipated children.

Again, sorry for the long post. Lots of memories to document. Now... Only 3 Weeks until Beau's due date!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 29-32: The Move

So, it happened. Ty and I are officially residents of Clarke County: citizens of Ty's hometown of Osceola, Iowa.

The big move from Omaha to Osceola took place on Saturday, June 19th. I was 31 weeks pregnant with Mr. William Beau. The move went very smoothly. Andrew, Anthony, Aaron, Grandma Susan, and Grandpa Jay were all part of the moving troope. I'm not gonna lie.... I felt kinda spoiled during the move! Due to my ever expanding mid-section, I was forbidden from lugging boxes up and down the stairs. So, I got to hang out upstairs, simply directing traffic and cleaning like mad. (I must admit... at times, this pregnancy-thing has its perks!)

Later the following week, Mom and Anna came over to help paint the nursery and finish unpacking. Ty was just certain that we would create a royal mess painting the nursery, but except for Mom throwing her shorts into the paint bucket, it went off without a hitch! ( ; Mom and Anna then helped me finish putting everything away, for which I am eternally grateful! Let's just say that my mother should be employed as an interventionist for hoarders: the woman works miracles!

Mom and Anna stuck around through Sunday, because Saturday was Beau's Osceola babyshower. Oh my gosh, Emily and the girls put together such a nice shower! The shower was dinosaur-themed, with little dinosaur figurines, dinosaur books, and one very cute stuffed dinosaur decorating the tables. The women of Osceola were very gracious and giving. Beau got lots of great baby-gear. Mom and Grandma Ketcham gave Beau a bassinet, and Carol got us his adorable highchair. Except for a few basic items, I think Beau has received about everything that a newborn could possibly need!

The weekend after the babyshower was busy, too. Carol and Brock both celebrated significant birthday landmarks. Carol turned 50, while Brock turned 25 years old. The entire Wheeler clan met at a state park and celebrated with grilling out, cake, stumbling around in canoes and a paddle boat, & just generally relaxing in the great outdoors. The 4th of July was rainy, but we managed to still enjoy ourselves while poking fun at the assortment of local townsfolk who appeared for the festivities.

Whew, I didn't realize how much has transpired since moving 17 days ago! No wonder I haven't had a chance to update the blog lately! Hopefully, the previous narrative of the last couple of weeks got the blog back up to speed.... But now, I should probably move on to the more traditional blog fare....

Week 32: Eclipse (17)

So, I slacked major in my movie-a-week goal.... but, I think that the move made for a very reasonable excuse! I did, however, manage to see one movie over the last 4 weeks. Eclipse! The third book of the Twilight series. Libby and I met Emily in Des Moines, and we saw the movie together at Jordan Creek. And.... it was amazing! Libby thought it was the best of the Twilight movies. Emily and I just enjoyed it thoroughly! The action was great... Kirsten Stewart and Taylor Lautner's acting seems to be improving... The love triangle tension was great! And, as Libby aptly pointed out, the movie had more humorous moments, as well. I can not wait to drag Ty with me to see it again! I know that Ty just can't wait! (Jordan Creek, Wednesday, 6/30/10)

Pregnancy-wise, Beau and I have had 2 more great check-ups! I'm still measuring right on target. I've gained about 20 to 25 pounds, right where the doctor wants me. All of my labs have come back normal, and Beau's heartbeat sounds good! I had my first regular appointment with my new ob in Des Moines. She's great, and I'm looking forward to getting more comfortable with the new clinic with each progressive appointment. J.R. drove me to the appointment, and we had quite a nice day together! Even IF he started out the cartrip by giving me a list of topics of conversation that were off-limits. Oh, and can I get a holla.... Holla! Ty and I finally have insurance again! We survived the month of June insurance-less. Thank you, William Beau, for cooperating and behaving like a gentleman during the month of June! Daddy and I very much appreciate it!

Beau has been moving around like crazy during the past 4 weeks. I thought that fetal movement was supposed to decrease as the pregnancy got further along; however, Beau has just been going to town recently! The movement continues to feel less like kicks and more like bumps and rolls. I've spent a lot of time lately just watching my stomach roll, almost like a wave, at times. My bellybutton... well, it's gone. ) ; Even the bellybutton "ledge" has disappeared. Oh well, it was bound to happen sometime!

Finally, pregnancy is starting to get a little more difficult. My lower back hurts a lot. I often have difficulty finding a comfortable position while sitting or laying down. Standing feels best; however, I get tired and my feet start to hurt pretty quickly. It's getting more and more difficult to get out of bed.... literally! I kinda have to roll quickly to the side, to gain some momentum, before trying to hoist myself up... Sometimes, I kinda feel like a beached whale or upside-down turtle! And do you know what Ty called me the other day???

Ty and Libby were watching a movie, while I was napping on the couch. Apparently, Ty looked over at my poor, innocent, sleeping pregnant figure (I guess that my arms and legs were kinda splayed with my head hanging back and my big ole' belly sticking out prominently) and he told Libby that I looked like a piece of "bloated roadkill". Bah!! After hearing that comment, there has got to be a piece of jewelry out there with my name on it.

Well, I know this blog was lengthy, but I did have 4 weeks of events to catch up on. I promise that next week's will be more brief. Until next time....

Beau is scheduled to arrive 47 days from today! He should measure about 17 to 18.5 inches long. He should weigh between 4 to 6 pounds. He's about the size of a honeydew fruit! Ty and I are getting closer and closer to meeting our little man!