Sunday, May 23, 2010

25 & 26 Weeks: Movies and Surprises!

Babies: The Movie

IronMan 2
26 Weeks 5 Days

I realized that Ty was never in my "bump" pictures. So, we had an improptu photo shoot. Of course, he played the class clown, as usual.

Tyrone and I

The Gifts from my 2 Surprise Mini-Babyshowers

The Swing that Ty and I purchased for Beau. I love it!

Week 25: Babies (14)

I love babies!! OK, I loved babies before getting pregnant, but I am especially enamored with babies now that I am expected one of my own. That's why I jumped at the chance to watch this movie at its opening weekend, and.... I was not disappointed! The movie followed 1 baby from 4 different counties: Nambia, Mongolia, Japan, and the United States. The cultural differences in raising infants were incredible! Actually, the movie gave me some reassurance in my ability to keep William Beau healthy and safe. If the Nambia baby can safely crawl aroud in a running stream, eating sand, I think little Beau will be safe stuffing the ocassional dirty cheerio from under the couch into his mouth.... And if the Mongolian baby can safely take a bath with goats, I think Beau would still be ok, even if he licked the kitchen floor! ( : Basically, I left the movie realizing that babies are more resilient than we give them credit for. And that Mongolian children are freakin' adorable! (5/14/10, The Rave)

Week 26: IronMan 2 (15)

So, somehow Ty and I went from watching a super chick-flick one week (Babies) to a super guy-flick (Ironman 2) the next. Ty and his boyfriend Rollie (a friend from work) made a date to see the new IronMan movie together. Prior to seeing the movie, we went over to Rollie's place to watch the first IronMan movie. I have to say... neither flick was bad. Nerdy but not bad. Somehow Robert Downey, Jr., makes both nerdy and cocky seem cool and endearing.... I'm still not quite sure how he accomplished that... The special effects were pretty incredible... It made me wonder what technology and special effects in movies will look like later in Beau's lifetime... I can't even imagine! (5/22/10, 20 Grand, Rollie)

Due to a dearth of significant events, I figured that I would combine the pregnancy-related news from both weeks into one narrative. Baby Beau and I appear to be doing great! I feel like I'm getting huge! Little tasks are becoming more difficult..... Like hoisting myself off the couch, tying my shoes, shaving my legs... My scrub pants are getting very snug. The seam in the crotch is starting to rip due to the increased pressure every time that I bend down. My bellybutton still looks like it's screaming in pain... At least it's still an innie, though! (Barely) Oh, and maybe I should share some of the loving terms of endearment shared by my husband in recent weeks.... Based on the growing roundness of my belly, I believe that Ty has now referred to me as both "Buddha" and an "oompa loompa". Beau, isn't your daddy a sensitive man? ( ;

We've had another big week in baby purchase land. Ty's coworkers had a goodbye party for him during his last full week of work, and they graciously gave us a gift certificate to Babies R Us. Between the gift certificate and coupon, Ty and I got a great deal on a baby swing! Ty was really taken with the swing... He said that it seemed like a very tangible sign that we really are going to have a baby... We also brought home the glider and ottoman set. Haven't put it together yet; I think we'll wait to do that in Osceola.... I can't wait!

Finally, today was a very surprising, exciting day.... I had two surprise baby showers! It was our last Sunday at Lamb of God, and the members planned a small food reception for us following the service. Well, they also surprised us with a mini-baby shower! Got some really great onsies, blankets, bibs, etc. Then, I was scheduled to meet a friend for lunch right after church. I walk into Panera, and I don't see her and don't see her and don't see her.... I finally walk by the "party" room, and lo and behold, there sit 8 of my coworkers! And my "official" work shower isn't for two weeks! Again, we got some great baby gifts: diaper bag, clothing, hygiene items, etc.... I felt so overwhelmed with love and support today! Didn't feel that I really deserved it, but I felt so blessed that others wanted to show their love for Ty, Beau, and I...

Finally, I thought I'd provide a quick update on our Osceola move. We found a house! A great rental property. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Small, not flashy, but perfect for our needs! We move in June 19th. Also, Ty and I bought a big piece of carpet to lay down in the living room.... I have never seen Ty so excited! He was like a kid in a candy shop: like buying carpet was better than Christmas and his birthday combined! It was super cute, actually! ( ;

Beau is now the size of an eggplant (Again, this size reference means nothing to me!) He's 13.5 to 15 inches long, and he weighs approximately 1.5 to 2.2 pounds. At the end of week 26, I have now entered my 3rd trimester. Beau is officially 2/3 of the way here to meet us! I can't wait to meet my little boy! ( :

Next Week: New Doctor, New Hospital, and (finally) Birthing Class Discussion

Sunday, May 9, 2010

24 Weeks: BabyGlucose, BabyGear, & BabyMoon

Ty and I with the carseat properly installed in Ty's vehicle!

I have a feeling that family and friends will view me this way for a long time to come...

Ty angry at baby!

Modeling the carseat in the stroller frame with the diaper bag. Yes, I am a dork!

Ty with the stroller, in front of our apartment.

Me, looking pensively out the window in Nebraska City.

Ty posing as JR in Nebraska City

Baby Beau's profile and hand at 24 Weeks 5 Days

Beau's profile

Beau's profile: He's kinda pursing his lips!

Beau with his hand on his chin! (And, yes, he does look a little scary in this picture!)

Beau's hand, covering his face! See his little fingers!

Beau's foot in front of his face (on the left)

So.... Due to our Nebraska City adventure, we slacked again and did not attend our weekly movie. I should hang my head in shame.... So, until next week, no movie update. However, I have plenty of news on the pregnancy-front! Therefore... let us proceed!

I had my monthly doctor's appointment on Monday. Beau and I passed our glucose tolerance test! My blood sugar, labs, weight, and Beau's size all measured right on target! Beau and I have a very white-bread pregnancy, which is truly a blessing!

On Wednesday, we got Beau's crib bedding in the mail. It looked perfect, just as I pictured it. Very cute, soft, and snuggly. Then Thursday, I picked up the stroller and carseat from UPS. Again, Ty and I were just tickled with our purchases (as you can probably tell from the above posted pictures). We already have the carseat base properly installed into Tyrone's Patriot... That was a neat moment. One of those little yet big moments....

Then Friday, it was babymoon time! Ty and I drove down to Kansas City, both to enjoy a trip away from the city and to see baby Beau one more time before he officially arrives. The 4D ultrasound place was amazing, with a huge screen to watch Beau move around on. The images were incredible.

Good news: Beau no longer looks like an extra-terrestial! (Well, for the most part). I couldn't quite see a family resemblance yet... The ultrasound tech did say that Beau has chubby cheeks, long fingers, and small feet. Ty swears that he saw him pick his nose... I think that he was just itching it. Oh, and Beau is definitely still a boy.... I mean, definitely.

It's still hard to recogize that these pictures are of our baby. When I look at them, I still feel like I'm viewing pictures of some anonymous person's child. I guess I'm just still having trouble conceptualizing the fact that I have a child that looks like that, growing inside me. Bizarre...

Oh, Ty would probably want me to share details about our pilgrimage down and back from Kansas City. It was quite the trip! First of all, I was drinking tons of water (because a well-hydrated momma makes for better ultrasound pictures), and Beau apparently decided that a long car trip was a good time to test the strength of his mother's bladder. Oh my goodness, I have never felt that desperate for a bathroom in my life! For a tense couple of minutes, it was truly touch and go. To give you a clue on how desperate the need for a bathroom was, Ty was actually going 80 trying to get me there. And you know that boy never speeds! I guess the good news is that I now definitely know what baby kicks to the bladder feel like!

The way back from Kansas City was also an adventure. Ty somehow got us lost, and we wandered about the city's interstate system for a good thirty to forty minutes. Eventually, with the help of Papa Jay, we did find our way back on track. Let's just say that I know who the calm parent will be in this family! And, surprisingly, it won't be the parent who currently has the reputation for calmness and steadfastness!

So, the rest of the babymoon was pretty unadventurous. We stayed in Nebraska City, at the Lied Conference Center. It was incredibly relaxing. Friday night, we went on a chilly twilight walk around the conference center. Saturday, we ate breakfast at the hotel. Then we napped and Saturday afternoon, we got a massage from a reiki master! The lodge gave us a referral to a great massage therapist. They did a fantastic job. Little did we know, however, that they are reiki masters!

Reiki is a type of alternative "healing treatment" where "the hands give off a very high magnetic field, that adds strength to organs, relaxes muscles, releases pent up energy, and promotes healing". They (the massage therapists were actually a married couple) only gave us a standard Swedish massage, but Ty and I were later highly entertained to read in their pamphlet about their reiki powers! Oh, I should probably add that Ty's masseuse is "power of thought" certified, as well! ( :

It was, indeed, an adventurous week in baby-land! Ty and I feel very blessed that we had the opportunity to enjoy one more "solo" vacation before Beau arrives. Next time Ty and I are in Nebraska City, we'll be hauling a newborn baby along with us! Wow...

This week, baby Beau is the size of an eggplant! He is 13.5 to 15 inches long, and he weighs from 1.5 to 2.2 pounds! 15 Weeks Left!
Coming Next Week: Finally Update You about Our Birthing Class!